In a Timely Manner: A Year in Review

Written By Brooklyn

Brooklyn Dean is an obsessive-compulsive daydreamer from the Central Coast of Australia. She loves coffee, hugs, lame dad jokes and throwing her head back to laugh with her husband and two kids.

31 Dec, 2021

As a Teacher by trade, I have found that I often write the phrase “in a timely manner.” It has such meaning, doesn’t it? It’s so laden with expectations. It basically says “stick to the bloody timeline” or “where are your time management skills, you slacker?”

As a lover of bending time in my fiction, I have realised that, despite my excellent time management skills at work (just give me a deadline, I dare ya!) there isn’t such a thing as “a timely manner.” Not really.

We all perceive the passing of time in different ways. Some mark it by the ticking of clocks. Some, the greying of hairs. To others still, time passing is simply the scents of the seasons as they change, or the feel of the breeze as it starts to chill. Me? I measure time in tasks accomplished. Boxes ticked. Not by my watch (as you can see from the photo of my watch in my previous post!)

What is time? A man-made construct, or a natural one?

When I first set out to write a book, I gave myself a year.

The goal was simple- 12 months to pump out an 80,000- 100,000 word manuscript of scrumptiousness (and hopefully also sense). I thought it was pretty ambitious, but maybe also kind of achievable. I figured I may as well shoot for the moon, despite working full time as well as ‘mumming’ full time, whilst really having no idea what writing a novel might take. Two full time jobs AND write a book? Well, that was the goal.

It is officially 12 months on. Holy Felicity Smoaks. This time last year, I was chuffed to receive a laptop from my biggest enabler. I was excited. Keen. I had an idea to write about and I was making a start.

A writing device was the best Christmas gift ever for an aspiring author! (2020, when it all began)

Now, looking back, I can tally up the accomplishments of the past 12 months.

I don’t often toot my own horn (I wasn’t blessed with tootable horns anyway), but I’m pretty darn proud of what I’ve accomplished in a year!!

Allow me a moment to tally up the efforts:

I wrote a whopping (wait for it) 171, 278 + words this year!

(I say + because I honestly do NOT like math and gave up after adding the big documents)


After reaching my word goal (woohoo!) I typed ‘THE END’ on my original project- A time-bending historical fiction manuscript, set in the 1920’s. It’s been beta read in chunks all year by a group of super enthusiastic and helpful people, and it’s off to professional editors ASAP!

That is one big, beautiful manuscript right there!


This came about because the name I originally chose for my adult fiction protagonist wasn’t right for that character. It needed to change, but I LOVED the name. After a bit of brainstorming I decided it would fit a middle grade audience better and BOOM, POW, WHACK! It developed rapidly into a non-linear historical detective junior fiction. The ideas came thick and fast. It’s interactive. It’s got visual cues and clues. It’s got fun facts. It includes cross-media options. It’s the business. This book has been written, received reader feedback and professionally edited.


Because I’m a glutton for punishment, this year I also:

  • Entered a micro fiction contest (first writing contest I’ve entered since Primary School!) and won a spot for publication! The anthology is due out 2022 and will take out top spot as my first published work since graduating university.
  • Participated a round-robin style communal story writing project with my besties, affectionately called The Sisterhood of the Travelling Story. This has brought much laughter and joy throughout lockdown, whilst unable to see each other.
  • Built websites and social media platforms. Let me tell you, creating and writing content for these mediums is a different kettle of fish to writing a novel!
  • Drafted a prequel AND sequel for my junior fiction series, as well as organising my ideas for the adult series into dedicated folders for easy reference.
  • Organised my Library/office into a sleek, folder-filled writing and reading sanctuary.
  • Attended numerous webinars and online learning opportunities about writing, publishing, media and marketing… I’ve been learning a whole new industry!

    … aaand …

I haven’t lost momentum. In fact, I’m energized and invigorated!

I am SO excited to see what 2022 has in store! This journey is only just beginning, but if you’re reading this- thank you for being here, and walking this journey with me.

All the best to you and yours in the year ahead!

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