Step 1- Learning to ‘Word Good’

Written By Brooklyn

Brooklyn Dean is an obsessive-compulsive daydreamer from the Central Coast of Australia. She loves coffee, hugs, lame dad jokes and throwing her head back to laugh with her husband and two kids.

4 Jun, 2021

As an aspiring writer, my Dad always used to tell me to ‘word good.’

Well, I suppose that would be a solid start!

He also used to tell me to ‘kick a goal’ (when playing netball), and that I was a ‘good boy’ (insert eye roll).

I still am a good boy, even though I’m a grown ass woman now.

It’s these little quirks that time will never change. (If we’re honest, we wouldn’t want them to anyway).

Well, here I am, writing away, working on this massively exciting project!

TWO actually, because I’ve never been very good at doing one thing at a time. It is this ability to multi task which is giving me so much creative energy and ideas amidst the ever extending COVID lockdowns where I live.

The time has come for me to word good, even if I go a bit Suess or Shakespeare and invent a few new words for myself!

If you want to follow my journey(s), please follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Feel free to laugh as I learn and navigate the world of social media, and encourage me whenever you feel the urge!

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